Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sights and Scents

I went on two short-ish runs this weekend. Well yesterday's was my new-normal 3ish route. And today's I just wasn't feeling it but needed to at least get out and do something; so I went 1.6 miles.

I feel as though there were so many random sights and scents, I just had to write about it. And these aren't in any particular order.

1. Scent: fried chicken. Darn that Publix for being along my route... delicious, delicious fried chicken.

2. Scent: dryer sheets. There's on neighborhood in particular that I always seem to encounter this.

3. Sight: a fallen palm frond onto an electrical wire. I kind of think perhaps I should've alerted someone about this! I ran safely around it but it's just kinda dangling over a wire!

4. Sight: frog carcass. Nothing too out of the ordinary around here but worth noting. 

5. Scent: dead animal. I'm not sure if it's a skunk or what, but again, one spot in particular on my route I always encounter a disgusting smell!

6. Sight: other runners. For some reason I love coming upon other runners, especially in the morning. A little friendly smile & "morning" to each other. Both knowing we're out there doing something good for ourselves!


  1. The joy of running with a cell phone means you can share pics of these things! I, for one, really want to see the dead frog. LOL

    I love seeing other runners! It always boosts my mojo.

    1. Haha! The thought did cross my mind to pause and take a pic but I was in a good rhythm. I guarantee I'll see another frog carcass and will take a pic just for you!
