Friday, June 7, 2013

Eric Patrie Firefighter 5K - May 18, 2013

Another long lost blog post... So you get TWO in THREE days! Will the streak continue? Stay tuned...

A couple weeks ago I ran my last real race of the season - gets WAY too hot in the summer to sign up for races and there really aren't very many offered. Ugh, I hate humidity.

This one was located locally in Delray Beach along A1A. I've ran a couple other races along this portion of A1A previously as well.

It was a smaller race (which gave me hopes that maybe I could place but since it was for a firefighter, a LOT of firefighters ran in it and let's face it; they're in better shape than me!). I believe the total number of runners was 408.

Runners at the starting line! Note: Guy in the yellow was the winner.

Action shot just past the start line. Can you see me?

Dan's friend Kim also ran this race, so it was nice to have someone with me at the start.  She bolted out ahead of me at the beginning but ended up having some foot pain so I passed her shortly after mile 1. I was able to cheer for her at the finish line, though!

My heartrate monitor didn't work right so I couldn't roughly time myself with that, and my Nike plus app was announcing mile markers before I was actually hitting what they had labeled on the course. So I was completely blind as to how fast I was going. But the same thing happened at the Fast & The Furriest and that ended up being my best race.


I crossed the finish line officially at 30:28. So slower than my fastest but still decent, especially given the heat.

There's my classic leg swing. :)

It was a very well organized race so I'd definitely run it again. We didn't stay for the awards. Instead I got water poured on me and then we proceeded to go to the Firehouse Open House. :)

So flipping hot.
Official results:
172nd place out of 408
20th out of 52 in my age group.


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