Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Morning Cult

It's no secret that I'm a morning worker-outter. That feeling of being DONE with my workout by 6:15 is awesome. I feel awake by the time I even get to work. My metabolism gets jump started right at the beginning of the day. What's not to love? (And yes, my body now naturally wakes up at 4:55am. Not sure if I am liking that or not!)

But you know what? I'm not alone in my craziness!

Even when I was doing spinning at LA Fitness at 5:45am, it was always the same group of people at the gym at that hour.

Now, at Slash... it's our own little Morning Cult.

Look at the beautiful new Slash gym!

It's the same group of people each day. These people call me out on days I'm not there... Applaud me for showing up on Friday mornings at 5:30 (those are the hardest days for me to get there)...

Not to mention, it's welcoming to come in and see familiar faces and be able to say hi with a smile at 5:30 in the morning.

I mean we all have to be kind of crazy to be doing this, right? I guess I have to say that I enjoy the company. :)

Hey look at me! Upper left pic in the red killin' those ropes! (pic courtesy of Slash)


  1. Matt loves those rope things! I have been the worst about AM workouts this year!

    1. I'm slow at replying! Haha - but those rope things are the Devil! and oh man oh man... once you get back into morning workouts, theres no going back.
