Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Stand Up Guy

I've never really had much of an opinion for Matt Kemp. Sure, I know he can hit the ball. He knows how to play! But never fought for him to be on my fantasy league or had a weird obsession with him. (as I do for Melky Cabrera. Don't ask. I don't know why, but I just do. My fantasy team last year was even named after him.)

But upon seeing this video of Kemp surface... I think this is really cool. Kind of makes me wonder if a lot more ball players do this but we just never see it.


  1. G-d, that had me tearing up. I seriously love things like this. You do see baseball players going out of their way to cheer up fans, without expecting to be lauded for it, but I think this is the first time I've seen someone give nearly their entire uniform.

  2. Yes! I teared up watching it, too. So very cool. He didn't even hesitate or think twice about what he was doing. I think I watched it at least 3x this morning.
